Abbott Health Insurance Society

Abbott Health Insurance Society

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Examination Result Management System

You can confirm the results of past health examinations anytime by using the "Examination Result Management System" at the Health Insurance Society website.

You can view the following details !

  • Result values and the judgment of each checkup item, findings, and the comprehensive judgment
  • Checkup history information (checkup dates and the names of checkup facilities)
  • Standard values (the normal value range) of each checkup item as well as info related to checkup items
  • ①View checkup result details.
  • ②Register and view checkup items you are concerned about.
  • ③View explanations of checkup items.
  • ④Confirm the comprehensive judgment of the latest checkup results.
  • ⑤The Health Insurance Society will notify you of checkup-related information.


Accumulating checkup result data makes it possible to gain an understanding of result values over time as well as related trends and changes (graphs), which puts a spotlight on problems, important points, and other issues relevant to each individual.

  • * Although we take care of checkup-result entry and registration work as necessary, this work is done after the checkup results from the checkup facility reach the Health Insurance Society, so insured persons generally cannot use the "Examination Result Management System" to confirm results until two months after the checkup month.